Tamrielic • A personal journal

Hi! I’m Carlos, a film and music lover from Spain. He/him.
Film log, Blogroll, Now, Email & RSS

  • Tracking my music

    If I listen to Angel by Massive Attack in any of these three mediums, it will not count on my Last.fm profile, and that’s okay. But in the past, many times I’ve given priority to other ways that tracked my plays over those that didn’t.

    The years with the most additions to my CD collection were around 2003-2011, and after that, I might have kept getting around 5 CDs and 1 vinyl per year, but they were mostly to stay pretty on my shelves, and then listen to them on streaming. The latest album I’ve bought, Hurry Up Tomorrow by angelic voice owner The Weeknd, has changed that habit. It’s the first one in a long time that I’ve listened to more times on a CD player than on my phone or laptop. No website will know how many times. Or person, because I have no clue. I just know that I’ve listened to it a lot (oh, that’s a clue).

    The ways I listen to music nowadays are:

    Last.fm compatible:
    Clementine, on my laptop.
    Poweramp, on my smartphone.
    Occasionally, Spotify Free on web player.

    Not compatible with Last.fm:
    MP3 Player. I also use it for podcasts and audio books.
    Hi-Fi system, at home.
    FM radio.
    CD Walkman.
    Everywhere, played by other people. Bars, supermarkets, music chosen by friends and played on their phones.

    My Spotify Wrapped this year might be a representation of 5% of what I listen to. If I keep using my new Last.fm account, its yearly report will have more accurate data, but it won’t be complete either. At the end of the day, all you can do is laugh the best way of getting to know which music I like is by just asking me.

  • An app that leaves

    Microsoft shutting down Skype in May means we don’t have a lot of time to experience our own Past Lives (Celine Song, 2023) if we still haven’t. In the film, childhood sweethearts Nora and Hae Sung get in contact through Facebook —that we can still do— when they’re adults and start video calling each other through Skype, one in South Korea, the other in the US.

    There was something special in the anticipation of turning on the computer and getting to see if the person you wanted to talk to was online, or seeing the popup window when they went from offline to online. I have not used Microsoft Teams yet, and with that name, I struggle to imagine it being the substitute for Skype in these matters.

    It’s curious that more traditional and not so common ways of meeting a partner are still possible, like at church, or how Jack Twist and Ennis del Mar did in Brokeback Mountain (Ang Lee, 2005) working as shepherds. I’m sure there are a few couples of shepherds sleeping in a tent yet to happen. Of course, meeting a partner or developing the relationship through the internet, in general, is one of the main ways nowadays. But meeting through specific services like Vodafone Live SMS chat —the way Las Tukus did in real life— or bonding through Skype or Google Talk, will not be experienced again.

    Stanford University: How Couples Meet and Stay Together (HCMST)
    Las Tukus https://www.youtube.com/@lastukus
    Past Lives https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/666277-past-lives
    Brokeback Mountain https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/142-brokeback-mountain

  • Why are you hitting yourself?

    Throughout my life, I’ve had two big moments of asking myself “why do you make things difficult for yourself?” and they both ended up with positive outcomes. I also have daily smaller moments where I think that, like today when I wiped out Android on my smartphone and installed GrapheneOS instead. When I tried to install Grindr and I couldn’t, and I installed Tinder but couldn’t get the location to work, I thought “there goes my love life, why couldn’t you just stay on regular Android?” I guess I’ll make it work somehow in the end because I’m stubborn with technology and don’t rest until I solve an issue. There’s Tinder for web browsers, which is actually a very nice experience and only requires receiving an SMS for verification. I used that in 2020-2021, the period when I’ve used a feature phone more often, instead of a smartphone. And if I wanted to use my most hated app, Grindr, because I reeeally needed a stranger with no profile pic to send me unsolicited nudes as a way to open a conversation, I still can use the iPad version. Maybe this will still have a positive outcome if I try harder to convince my friends to go to LGBTIQ+ bars and just meet new people in person, which is my preferred way.

    The first of the two big “making things difficult for myself” moments was when I started my Erasmus year in Weimar. I got there at night, with a night booked at a hostel, the little German I had taught myself during the summer, and no reply from the student residence I had been trying to get into. I lay in the bunk bed to sleep and started thinking how much easier I would have had it if I had stayed in Granada. My classmates who stayed in Spain didn’t have to adapt to a new studies system and deal with as much bureaucracy as I was. They just had to continue their Art studies, from the 2nd year to the 3rd, in a smooth transition.

    Many life-changing moments like that begin by just filling out a form. At the beginning of the year, I filled out a form to apply for the Erasmus program because, why not? At the top of my list of preferred destinations, I wrote the three German options in this order: Weimar, because I thought it’d be cool to have “Bauhaus Universität” on my résumé, then Halle and Munich. After those, the destinations in Italy, Greece, and the UK. I got selected to study in Weimar and it ended up being my best year as a student, both socially and academically, with a reignited passion for art. Coming back to Granada after that year was a letdown.

    The other moment was when I arrived to Dubai in October 2015. The previous Christmas, when I was working as a waiter in a restaurant, I met a friend from high school who was working as a flight attendant. When I mentioned I had always been curious to try to become one, just as I’ve been curious about being a barber or a firefighter but moved away from those ideas, she insisted I should go for it because she could totally see me doing that. I let the idea rest and eventually wrote a list of options with what I found out were the best airlines, reaching for the moon again, with that Emirati airline on top.

    Just like the Erasmus year, this experience started with an application. When I was called for the group selection process, I thought “well, now I guess I’ll have to go.” And when I passed, “I guess I’ll have to go to the individual job interview.” And when they phoned to tell me I was selected, “well, I guess I have to move to Dubai.” It’s always like I’m dealing with the consequences of the decisions a previous version of myself took, and I don’t want to disappoint him and say no, so I just go with this snowball effect.

    From the job interview to the day we got to Dubai, 6 months had passed for the guys and 3 for the girls. As soon as I landed and got to my accommodation provided by the company, knowing already that it was farther from the city than the airport itself, I thought “what the hell have you done to yourself, Carlos?” The view during the bus ride confirmed what I had suspected from checking the city on Google Maps: that it was designed for cars only. And after my whole life in Europe, where I just walked or went everywhere on my bicycle, it was depressing.

    The undeniable good side of those 4 years is that I got to travel to places I wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. Yes, it’s not like being on a holiday because you arrived at the destinations tired, with just 24 hours between the landing and the next takeoff, so you just dealt with jet lag however you could, slept what you could at the hotel and tried to find some hours to explore the city. But I still feel very lucky and privileged that I got to do that, and I learned to focus on the positive aspects of that job.

    My social life in Dubai took a while to take off. For the first 10 months, even though I had a couple of friends, also cabin crew, I felt very lonely because our work schedules and free days didn’t sync enough for us to meet often. And I felt like I didn’t deserve to complain about being lonely because I had a cool job and was visiting amazing places. I don’t relate happiness with being in a relationship, but in those years, things started to get better when I met the first of the two boyfriends I had.

    I consider those two periods of time, Germany and the UAE, very defining in my life, and a boost in self-confidence and being able to overcome difficulties. Now that I’m in Spain working as a substitute teacher, I remember those moments, but on a much smaller scale, when I’m called to work in a new school and feel insecure about my worth as a teacher. Or when I feel that I could have an easier, more stable life with a different job. I do like making things easy for myself and I think I’m somewhat lazy. It’s just that curiosity often leads me to a place where I end up in trouble, but at least I end up with stories to tell.

    We need to talk about how Grindr is affecting gay men’s mental health
    GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org

  • The Now Now

    I’ve added a /now page to my site. It’s one of the 100 things you can do on your personal website, as reminded by James’ Coffee Blog. I recommend a visit to nownownow.com, where many websites that feature that section are highlighted. The /now page can be a section to show what you’re focused on at the moment, professionally or in your personal life. I’ve decided to update it regularly with what I’m watching and listening to at the moment, featuring a current favorite song, latest watched movie, TV shows I’m watching, and so on. My top 5 albums link to reviews written in English by other bloggers.

  • Arrow in the knee

    The region of Skyrim, on the continent of Tamriel, is a place where you can say hi to any guard and, sooner or later, they’ll all tell you this: “I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee…” Fret not, I will bring a dragon to your town so you can live an adventure again, my chaotic good Dovahkiin would roleplay.

    These guards’ lines remind me of moments when I’ve thought “I used to be an artist like you. Then… I don’t know what happened.” I think this when I visit a group exhibition I could have taken part in but I didn’t. Or when someone shows me their drawing notebooks, and I haven’t drawn in months.

    Years ago, a work colleague mentioned things like drawing, taking pictures, swimming and yoga, and found myself replying “I used to do that.” I felt a bit of guilt and embarrassment because I considered I had turned lazy. Moments like this have ended up being wake-up calls. Seeing a colleague with the same free time I have, doing things I enjoy, reminds me that I can do them too.

    I know I feel more active when I’m surrounded by creative people. Like when I’m studying anything related to art and see my classmates drawing and painting. You’re seeing this post because I’m “surrounded” (via RSS reader) by people that write in blogs, and their creativity is contagious even online. I hadn’t written in a blog in years, and now I’m back.

    Not having a good habit for a while doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. I’ve come back to exercise or eating healthy many times. It would be ideal to stay consistent, but since that hasn’t been the case for me, what I can do is not be too hard on myself and remember I can always pick up a good habit again.
