Arrow in the knee

The region of Skyrim, on the continent of Tamriel, is a place where you can say hi to any guard and, sooner or later, they’ll all tell you this: “I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee…” Fret not, I will bring a dragon to your town so you can live an adventure again, my chaotic good Dovahkiin would roleplay.

These guards’ lines remind me of moments when I’ve thought “I used to be an artist like you. Then… I don’t know what happened.” I think this when I visit a group exhibition I could have taken part in but I didn’t. Or when someone shows me their drawing notebooks, and I haven’t drawn in months.

Years ago, a work colleague mentioned things like drawing, taking pictures, swimming and yoga, and found myself replying “I used to do that.” I felt a bit of guilt and embarrassment because I considered I had turned lazy. Moments like this have ended up being wake-up calls. Seeing a colleague with the same free time I have, doing things I enjoy, reminds me that I can do them too.

I know I feel more active when I’m surrounded by creative people. Like when I’m studying anything related to art and see my classmates drawing and painting. You’re seeing this post because I’m “surrounded” (via RSS reader) by people that write in blogs, and their creativity is contagious even online. I hadn’t written in a blog in years, and now I’m back.

Not having a good habit for a while doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. I’ve come back to exercise or eating healthy many times. It would be ideal to stay consistent, but since that hasn’t been the case for me, what I can do is not be too hard on myself and remember I can always pick up a good habit again.

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