If I listen to Angel by Massive Attack in any of these three mediums, it will not count on my Last.fm profile, and that’s okay. But in the past, many times I’ve given priority to other ways that tracked my plays over those that didn’t.
The years with the most additions to my CD collection were around 2003-2011, and after that, I might have kept getting around 5 CDs and 1 vinyl per year, but they were mostly to stay pretty on my shelves, and then listen to them on streaming. The latest album I’ve bought, Hurry Up Tomorrow by angelic voice owner The Weeknd, has changed that habit. It’s the first one in a long time that I’ve listened to more times on a CD player than on my phone or laptop. No website will know how many times. Or person, because I have no clue. I just know that I’ve listened to it a lot (oh, that’s a clue).
The ways I listen to music nowadays are:
Last.fm compatible:
Clementine, on my laptop.
Poweramp, on my smartphone.
Occasionally, Spotify Free on web player.
Not compatible with Last.fm:
MP3 Player. I also use it for podcasts and audio books.
Hi-Fi system, at home.
FM radio.
CD Walkman.
Everywhere, played by other people. Bars, supermarkets, music chosen by friends and played on their phones.
My Spotify Wrapped this year might be a representation of 5% of what I listen to. If I keep using my new Last.fm account, its yearly report will have more accurate data, but it won’t be complete either. At the end of the day, all you can do is laugh the best way of getting to know which music I like is by just asking me.